Monday, 24 October 2011

General Knowledge - 24/10/11

1. Which food gets its name from the Aztec word for testicle – Ahuacatl?

2. What did Charlie Chaplin, Benito Mussolini, Kevin Keegan and Dickie Bird all choose to call their autobiography?
My Autobiography

3. In mathematics, what is the opposite of integration?

4. Which company is the dog Fernville Lord Digby famous for advertising?

5. In what month is fathers’ day in the UK?

6. Which battle of 1066 shares its name with a premiership football ground?
Stanford Bridge

7. Which name is shared by the Roman Goddess who watches over children, and the island nation where you would find the Bay of Pigs?

8. If you put the chemical symbols of the elements phosphorous, indium and potassium next to each other, which colour would you spell out?

9. The films The Shining, The Shawshank Redemption and 1408 are based on works of literature by which famous author?
Stephen King

10. What happened to Peter Allen and Gwynne Evans in 1964 that lead to their names going down in history?
Last people executed in the UK

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